I stumbled upon these awesome ceramic thingies in
Dwell Magazine and found myself compulsively calling Portland, Oregon, to order trivets. (What
are trivets?) Whatever it is, it has a vintage Leica on its shiny face and shall occupy a place of honor on my computer desk. These wonderfully witty ceramic wares come from
Elsa+Sam, a dishware boutique in Portland. If you call them, you may likely talk to Elsa herself, who is extremely friendly and helpful.

The designs can be customized, mixed and matched. I had the Leica image superimposed on the orange background of the scooter trivet. And Elsa said that I can have the camera printed on almost anything. What a grand idea! I also liked the trivet with the Bialetti Moka espresso teapot, one of the world's best inventions, and ordered that too. And the typewriter trivet, of course, which reminded me of David Cronenberg's
Naked Lunch poster.