KC and Wesley, Oakland, December 2009.

Being a photographer comes in handy during the holiday gift-giving season. When one has 23 nephews and nieces on his wife's side alone, many of whom are having babies of their own, it's a lifesaver. No shopping, no Gap sweaters, no mad rush. Line them up against a canvas drop, take 200 shots apiece, print, frame, and
voila! Christmas presents!
Scheduling the shoot is a challenge. The ideal way to do it is to take the pictures on Thanksgiving when the family is gathered together in one place. I missed that chance because of a trip to New York so my sessions have been spread over two weekends; I'm one-third done.

For picture frames, nothing beats Ikea. The
Ribba line, available in black, white and silver, comes in many sizes and styles. The Ribba frames are well crafted, modern looking, and, above all, inexpensive.
For this holiday season, try giving the gift of pictures. It's a great way to have a good laugh with your loved ones while they channel their inner supermodel. Make a big pot of ragu while you're at it. Modeling makes them hungry.